Safe at Work: Prioritising Employee Wellbeing for a Safer Future #employeewellbeing #safety #workplacesafety Sep 25, 2023

497,300 people had a work-related injury or illness last financial year and of those, 54% received workers' compensation. Whilst the focus must be on health and safety protocols, research shows that by taking a proactive approach to employee wellbeing, businesses can decrease health plan costs...

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How to Apply the Athlete's Mindset in the Workplace #corporatewellbeing #employeewellbeing #mindset Sep 21, 2023

Maximising performance in the workplace and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a challenge that many employees continually face. But imagine if you could tap into the mindset that propels athletes to greatness – that unwavering determination, focus, and resilience. It's not as...

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Stress Management Techniques for High Performers in the Workplace #employeewellbeing #highperformance #stress Sep 14, 2023

Workplace, stress has become a prevalent challenge, affecting a staggering 47% of employees, according to recent research. It is crucial to acknowledge how stress can significantly impact employee performance and overall workplace productivity. High performers, who consistently go above...

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How Active Listening Can Enhance Workplace Wellbeing #activelistening #employeewellbeing #wellbeing Sep 07, 2023

In the bustling modern workplace, where emails flood in and meetings stack up, an essential skill often gets overlooked – active listening. Amidst the rush to meet deadlines and navigate projects, the true essence of meaningful communication can sometimes fade. Yet, in a workplace where...

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Beyond R U OK? Day: Fostering Lasting Workplace Mental Health #employeewellbeing #mentalhealth #ruokday Aug 28, 2023

R U OK? Day is as a crucial annual reminder of the importance of checking in with our colleagues and loved ones about their mental health. In the workplace alone, poor mental health costs the Australian economy over $70 billion each year. This cost will not improve by acknowledging R U OK? Day...

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The Impact of Sleep on Employee Performance #employeewellbeing #performance #sleep Aug 24, 2023

One crucial but often overlooked factor that significantly impacts employee performance is sleep. In Australia alone, 60% of adults experience poor quality sleep. The modern working environment often leads to the sacrifice of sleep to meet tight deadlines and ambitious targets. However, recent...

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Desk Exercises: Simple Moves to Stay Active and Energised at Work #employeewellbeing #exercise #wellbeing Aug 18, 2023

Long hours sitting at a desk can take a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing. Prolonged sitting can lead to increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal issues, and may also negatively impact blood circulation and metabolism. Incorporating regular movement into our...

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The Role of Positive Psychology in Corporate Wellbeing #employeewellbeing #positivepsychology #productivity Aug 03, 2023

Imagine a tool that nurtures a positive work culture, prioritises employee happiness, and leads to increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, and enhanced retention rates. Sounds too good to be true? What if this tool was completely free to use? Enter - positive psychology.  


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Strategies for Preventing Employee Burnout #burnout #employeewellbeing #wellbeingindex Jul 10, 2023

76% of employees experience burnout at work at least sometimes, with 28% of employees feeling burned out at work “very often” or “always”. Employee burnout is a product of the modern workplace and is so prevalent that the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it as an...

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The Alarming Disparity Between Leaders and Employees: The Perception of Wellbeing #employeewellbeing #leadership #wellbeing #wellbeingprograms Jun 27, 2023

As the pursuit of employee wellbeing gains increasing attention in today's work landscape, a significant gap has emerged between leaders and their employees in terms of how they perceive wellbeing. While leaders may have good intentions, understanding the unique perspectives and needs of their...

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How to Boost Employee Engagement: Five Steps to Drive Participation in Wellbeing Programs #employeewellbeing #wellbeing #wellbeingprograms employeeengagement Jun 20, 2023

83% of companies worldwide have a wellbeing strategy in place, yet according to Gartner, only 23% of employees access these resources. Poor management and increasing levels of stress amongst employees impacts an employee's ability to thrive in the workplace, leading them to disengage. In...

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Are Wellbeing Benefits Preferred Over Salary by Employees? #employeewellbeing #salary #wellbeing #wellbeingbenefits Jun 07, 2023

Employees are increasingly prioritising wellbeing benefits and work-life balance over salary when considering job opportunities. A study by MetLife found that 62% of employees say benefits are a major reason they stay with their current employer, while 52% say they would be willing to take a job...

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